Sarai Alamgir Gujrat

Sarai Alamgir

Sarai Alamgir is a Tehsil (sub-division) of Gujrat District. Sara i Alamgir is situated on eastern bank of Jhelum river. Sarai Alamgir is also located on GT Road as both other tehsils (Gujrat and Kharian) of Gujrat district are on the same road. It is just few kilometers away from Jhelum city, which is also a district level city.
Military College Jhelum is also in Sarai Alamgir and is a landmark of Sarai Alamgir.
Its population is more than 200,000 persons and its area is about 575 km².

Police Stations in Sarai Alamgir

Police Station City Sarai Alamgir
Address:           GT. Road Sarai Alamgir
Telephone:        0544-652796
Police Station Sadar Sarai Alamgir
Address:           GT Road Sarai Alamgir
Telephone:        0544-653196

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  1. sarai alamgir is nice town my distt

  2. SARAI Alamgir Good Place And Specially New Park

  3. Sarai Alamgir Good Town Specially New Park


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