Summer Fairs (MAILA) in Gujrat, Pakistan
There are many shrines of saints in Gujrat on which Funfairs are held every year among them two famous summer fairs take place in Gujrat.
One fair is called “MAILA SHAH JEHANGIR” which means the festival of the King Jehangir. It takes place in May or June every year. People of Gujrat said that the famous King Jehangir of India died when his caravan was passing by Gujrat. His internal organs were taken out and buried in a grave near Gujrat and his body was taken to Lahore and buried there. Somehow the site of his burial place became the focus of an annual village fair in Gujrat.
The other famous festival is in the memory of a famous local saint, “SAIN KANWANWALI SARKAR" which means the saint of the black crows. He was a famous saint who loved crows. His festival takes place during late summer.
Both festivals are marked as main funfairs in the city. Circus (mostly Lucky Irani Circus), Theaters, Folk Singers and Death Wells come to Gujrat as well as many other famous national and local entertainers come to Gujrat on these days.
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